A nurser developed to promote the natural feeding of Esbilac®, KMR® or other liquids to animals.
Bottles and nipple specially designed for small and large babies: 2 oz. for small animals and 4 oz. for larger animals. Bottle feeding allows animal to refuse formula when full. Nursing action develops facial muscles and stimulates the normal flow of saliva.
Before use make a hole in the nipple using one of the following methods: Cross cut nipple with a razor blade. Using a strong needle or cuticle scissors, enter and exit the tip of the nipple as though you were making a very small stitch or snip, pull the needle out removing a small piece of the nipple. Check flow with water. A steady drip or thin stream should be achieved when a slight pressure is applied to the nipple. If one or more of the animals is ill use a different bottle or feed ill animal last. Wash bottle, cap and nipple with hot soapy water and rinse thoroughly after each feeding session. If animal is too small or weak to nurse, consult your veterinarian.